Alan Turing

Alan Turing was a British mathematician who lived from June 23, 1912, to his death on June 7, 1954. His educational background included attending the University of Cambridge in between two stints at King's College. To finish his educational career, Turing attended Princeton University for his Ph.D... Also, Turing received the Order of the British Empire, an award for non-combat heroes of war and battle, after World War 2. To receive this award, Turing helped the British government in World War 2 by breaking the impossible German Enigma Code. Turing built a machine called the Bombe that helped Ally forces decode secret German missions. In addition, Turing contributed heavily to artificial intelligence, biology, and cryptology( code breaking). Instead of going to prison for being gay, he choose to be chemically castrated. In 1954 he "committed" suicide, though poison was found in his stomach.

If you want to learn more about Alan Turing use these links Alan Turing!

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If you want to learn more about Alan Turing, you should research him, here's another link to help you Alan Turing Britannica!